Friday, February 5, 2010


So I'm sitting here in my room on a Friday night trying to do my physical chemistry lab report that is due monday. Why am I doing this on a Friday night? Well I have a funeral to go to saturday for a friend of mines dad. My friend was in Indian Guides with me since I was a little kid and all through elementary school. I haven't really seen him while in college since we go to different schools but I remember his dad back in the day. It just plain sucks to lose a parent, mother or father. It has been a while since I lost my dad, about 7 years now. Its crazy to think where the time has gone. But I don't know how I am going to deal with tomorrow. I am just going to tell him what I tell everyone, It just takes a hell of a lot of time to be able to deal with it. Nothing else really helps except time.

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