Sunday, March 28, 2010

My Slightly Stoopid concert experience

Well I got my first taste of battlefield medicine today. Except this battlefield wasn't some war zone but a concert with thousands of people around. I went with a bunch of my friends except they were in two separate groups. I just finished talking to my buddy Kevin and was heading back to see my other friends when I came upon this guy collapsed with these three girls trying to help him. He was huge compared to these girls so I went and helped them. No cops or anyone had come yet. I decided to take their place since I could probably handle him better since he kept convulsing. I mean this guy was huge for even me to try and handle. So I got behind him and then try to see how awake he was. I asked him his name and I didn't get a response. I then asked him if he had taken any drugs and he shook his head no. I figured it was just alcohol poisoning. At that point one of the event guys came up and finally got the cops to come. At this point this guy was covered in puke and I mean it was everywhere. His shorts, legs, and the ground all around him was just not pretty to say the least. I also found out the girls that were there had no idea who this guy was and I felt terrible that this poor guy was alone and going through all this. Well the first cop showed up and he just stood there was I kept asking this guy questions to make sure he stayed awake and didn't pass out on us. The cop and I decided to try and see if we could drag him out of there, because it had probably been 10 minutes at this point and the ambulance still couldn't find us. We tried to lift this huge guy but he was just too much. More cops showed up till there was 5 of them and then we tried again but this guy was fighting us and the cops didn't seem to want to get puke all over them so they just decided to give up. I went back to holding him and he still kept convulsing and screaming out every so often in pain I imagine. Well this is probably at 15 or 20 minutes after I first showed up and still no ambulance. At some point I just realized the music had stopped and I suddenly look up and there's just this huge circle of people starring at me and this guy while I'm holding him up. It was such a weird feeling. Through all the adrenaline from the situation I just blocked everything else going on around me. The paramedics eventually did find us and it took 4 of us to get him up on the stretcher. I still don't understand how this guy could be so heavy, because he didn't seem to be that big and I wasn't even drunk. I then walked with the paramedics back to the ambulance and talked to them for a second giving them details of what happened. Eventually, I cleaned up and walked back to my friends where I found out they were only playing one last song and the concert was canceled, because of all of this.

Later on I went home and cleaned up and went out downtown with my roommate Vic, and we ran into the same paramedics from earlier. I asked them about the guy and they said he was stable and that he would be fine. I was so glad I ran into them so I wasn't left wondering whatever happened to the random guy I held for 20 minutes during a Slightly Stoopid concert.

Friday, February 5, 2010


So I'm sitting here in my room on a Friday night trying to do my physical chemistry lab report that is due monday. Why am I doing this on a Friday night? Well I have a funeral to go to saturday for a friend of mines dad. My friend was in Indian Guides with me since I was a little kid and all through elementary school. I haven't really seen him while in college since we go to different schools but I remember his dad back in the day. It just plain sucks to lose a parent, mother or father. It has been a while since I lost my dad, about 7 years now. Its crazy to think where the time has gone. But I don't know how I am going to deal with tomorrow. I am just going to tell him what I tell everyone, It just takes a hell of a lot of time to be able to deal with it. Nothing else really helps except time.