Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Another night at the clinic

I had the craziest experience today. I think I smelled the stinkiest person on this earth. A stink so profound that it stays on anything it touches. After the women left the exam room she was in I felt like throwing up, but luckily I had lysol. After a whole can of lysol and disinfectant spray later, the room still smelled just as badly as it did before. I have no idea how this possibly works. After I had left the room I went back up to the front and the women who works up front told me the money this women handed her to pay smelled. I've heard the stories of someone turning things to gold, but someone turning things to unappealing wretched horrors of smelly badness is another thing. Maybe a good movie plot? Probably not, but it sure made my night interesting.

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