Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I made another one of my midnight runs to walmart tonight. I realized I needed to get a Christmas card for my mom and I also had one of my realizations I need to start working out so I bought a jump rope. I've been sick the past couple week so I haven't had a chance to work out. I always hear jump roping is good for you and I always see people jump roping in boxing gyms in certain movies. However, I didn't realize how difficult it would be to start jump roping. I first attempted to go outside but like an idiot I kept hitting my feet. Then I realized the rope was too long so I need to cut it and adjust the rope. I continues on but man was I out of breath. Jump roping requires a lot of concentration, energy, and strength.

I feel like this whole jump rope thing will get me back on track where I was before this semester started. I was biking almost everyday over the summer and then things slumped off when my ex girlfriend returned to the picture. Exercise always makes me a happier person and one who complains less, which my friends are always happy when I do less of that.

Another thing that surprised me was the fact my friend actually went to NY to hook up with this girl. My friend is very shy and my other friend decided to hook him up with a girl that might be interested in my friend and even let them use his bed. None the less my friend has been talking to this girl over the Internet every day on instant messenger for what seems like a month. I told him he will probably regret doing this in the end. It's his first and you never forget your first. I know him and he will never tell me how it went.

Surprisingly I am not jealous of my friend for his little adventure this weekend. I have had my share over the past three years that I can manage, but I am ready to move on to D.C. I am ready to find the true love of my life. I am sad that it did not work out with the previous girl. Not for the fact that I spent so much time with her, but the fact that I deceived my self for so long that she was the one. It makes me want to continue on in finding my true love and not sit around. Like I said before, I don't like to sit around and waste time. Other people I have decided to see don't seem to understand that or me, but who blames them. They might be right in the fact that they might just be a rebound. Time will tell. But I am moving on to a new city and that leaves little left for something else here when that time comes. I already went through the whole discussion of moving to a town with someone else and that did not end well. I definitely don't want to go through that again. Right now that's all I know for sure.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Another night at the clinic

I had the craziest experience today. I think I smelled the stinkiest person on this earth. A stink so profound that it stays on anything it touches. After the women left the exam room she was in I felt like throwing up, but luckily I had lysol. After a whole can of lysol and disinfectant spray later, the room still smelled just as badly as it did before. I have no idea how this possibly works. After I had left the room I went back up to the front and the women who works up front told me the money this women handed her to pay smelled. I've heard the stories of someone turning things to gold, but someone turning things to unappealing wretched horrors of smelly badness is another thing. Maybe a good movie plot? Probably not, but it sure made my night interesting.

Monday, December 14, 2009

I seem to be living in the wild west these days. Just moments ago there were 6 shots fired near my house. I ran outside to see if it was my crazy neighbors but no one was home. The cops sure did come fast though. I am still waiting to hear sirens for more cops but to no avail. I guess the shooter is still out there somewhere. I just hope they don't end up on my front doorstep. More later.....

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Beginning

So let me explain the zoobitch part of the web address first. This name came to me when I worked at a Zoo back in high school. I was much younger than anyone else there and plus I did not have a college degree. I did a lot of grunt work and bitch work so everyone just started calling me the zoo bitch. I don't mind the name. I see it as a badge of honor for all the cool things I did back at the zoo.

The title of my blog comes from how I live my life. My dad lived the same way when he was alive and I try every day to do as much as I can. It reminds me of my favorite quote from Shawshank Redemption, "Get busy living or get busy dieing".